Personal Solutions

Here at Voyage Planning Group, we will help you establish a clearly defined course of action to meet your goals and calm your concerns. Some common concerns that we hear from clients include:

  • Will I have enough to retire?
  • Will my family be alright if I don’t make it home today?
  • Will I be able to help my child attend their first choice for college?
  • If one of us needs nursing care will the other be able to afford our lifestyle?
  • How are taxes and fees impacting my investments?
  • I’ve worked and saved all of my life, will there be anything left for my kids?
  • Did I start too late?
  • With today’s market, have I taken on too much risk with my investments?

These are all common concerns. Many people feel they need to do more in addressing their financial concerns, but lack a well-defined course of action. At best, this can lead to a disjointed portfolio of various financial products, at worst no action taken at all.

Let us help you chart your course. Some of the services we can offer include:

Financial Planning*

In an unpredictable world, things can change. Changes present challenges we all must face at some time or another. You and your family may be enjoying a comfortable lifestyle today, but tomorrow holds no guarantees.

Planning to meet your short- and long-term challenges requires knowledge, information, and, most of all, action. At Voyage Planning Group we offer an objective approach to financial planning*. The solutions we recommend and the strategies you decide to implement will be dependent upon your personal circumstances and objectives. And because we know your objectives may change over time, we approach financial planning* as a dynamic, ongoing process that must accommodate changes in your personal circumstances, changes in the tax laws and changes in the marketplace.

Put simply, we will help you design a plan of action that evolves with you and results in a well-coordinated series of recommendations to help you reach your destination.

Our clients benefit from planning in the areas of:

  • Retirement
  • Risk Managemen
  • Education Funding
  • Estate Preservation and Transfer
  • Asset Allocation

*Bradley Wessel, Financial Adviser offering investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser.

Wealth Management*

We believe that in today's fast-changing financial landscape you need to ensure your wealth management is as effective as possible.

We have integrated an easy-to-use, web-based comprehensive account aggregation platform into our practice that works seamlessly with your financial plan. This allows us to consistently monitor not only your investment portfolio and allocation, but your progress towards your goals.

With our system you are always up to date and organized, and you can be confident that we are utilizing the most current information possible as we work towards your goals.

Our Wealth Management system is designed to give you a single access point to securely view all of your:

  • Financial accounts
  • Strategic plans
  • Specific goals
  • Tax and legal documents
  • Insurance coverage

*Bradley Wessel, Financial Adviser offering investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser.

Estate Planning

A well-engineered estate conservation plan can minimize tax liability and ensure that loved ones are protected. We will work with you and your other advisors to assess the impact of state and federal taxes on your estate and suggest strategies to help minimize those taxes while meeting your personal philosophies and family needs.

Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income plans that can help you accumulate assets for the future, shield your business and personal assets from liabilities, and safeguard asset transfer to children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out what the right course of action is for your specific situation and objectives.

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you, while often providing immediate income streams and reducing your tax burden. Numerous charitable giving strategies exist, and we can help you design and execute a charitable giving strategy that is in alignment with your personal and philanthropic goals. Please seek tax advice from your own tax advisors.

Disability and Extended Care

To execute a sound retirement strategy, asset and income protection are a must. Designing a plan that encompasses managing costs for extended periods of care and disability insurance can help create the necessary balance in a portfolio to ensure stability and protection of assets.

401(k) and IRA Rollovers

When you leave a job or retire, you have a decision to make regarding your 401(k) money. While leaving those assets in the former employer's plan is an option, a rollover can be a consideration. Working with your tax advisor, we can help you determine the right course of action for you. This may include: leaving the funds in your existing plan, if permitted, or rolling them into your new employer's plan, if one is available and rollovers are permitted. Each choice offers advantages and disadvantages, depending on your specific needs and retirement plan, such as the desired investment options and services, applicable fees, expenses, and withdrawal options, as well as required minimum distributions and tax treatment of applicable options.